Welcome to GuiesBtt.cat

WE ARE GuiesBtt.cat. A mountain bike route company. We take care of making reservations, hiring transportation, coordinating visits, tracking activities, making insurance,… We take care of everything so that you feel the best possible during the route. Whatever the trip, the route or the experience. Because we are a mountain bike activities company, respectful of the Environment and seeking maximum collaboration with the local economy.
And also, we are a Travel Agent.

Our motto is Tourism, Adventure, Leisure and Culture

Because we believe that a proposal should not only be about pedaling. Tourism and adventure. But it is also about discovering new towns, other territories, new cultures in a fun and leisurely way. It is enjoying the experience. That’s why we are Certified Professional Guides on MTB.

Our goal is to prepare the appropriate routes for each type of client. Thus, family routes, usually guided, with little mileage and little unevenness always travel along wide and easy paths. We have many hours of experience.









Aleshores, som una empresa de Turisme Sostenible.

We are a Sustainable Tourism company

Because we believe in local companies wherever we go. Thus, we believe in local restoration, in the territory’s own cuisine. And also in the accommodations of the area, not foreigners. At the same time, we are committed to controlled tourism, away from crowds. We have local personnel for transfers and other procedures. In fact, we have the accredited Biosphere certificate. Sustainable Tourism ensuring the 17 SDGs.

Alhora, fem rutes sostenibles. A més, tenim cura de l’entorn. 

We also organize activities in schools, colleges, institutes and other training centers.

We collaborate with city councils and local police to encourage the use of bicycles. Thus, we carry out school and extracurricular activities. In fact, it is about achieving safer and more sustainable circulation in towns and cities. For developing a more active and healthy life. And we have bikes for rent, for children and adults.

Aleshores, rutes en Btt. Per tant, Rutes guiades. Alhora, ruta E-Bike. Finalment, ruta Btt.  

In addition, we collaborate with Tour de Gàmbia, an NGO that works in Gambia, assembling and repairing bikes there that are delivered there. For school children. And thus facilitate the long journeys that many boys and girls must make every day in order to progress and achieve a better future.

We offer various guided and self-guided routes. And we have MTB Bikes and E-Bikes for rent. 

We offer more than 20 proposals. That is, MTB Routes through the Iberian Peninsula and other corners of the world… MTB, E-Bike and Gravel. And now we also have bikes for rent. And of all kinds! For when people come from far away, it is not necessary to take the bike. We rent you a muscular MTB or an E-Bike. Simpler and often with less costs… Let’s make things easy..

Aleshores, rutes en Btt. Per tant, Rutes guiades. Alhora, ruta E-Bike. Finalment, ruta Btt.  


What are our proposals??

We make many custom proposals. For entities, groups, companies,… But we also have many other proposals on GuiesBtt.cat already prepared to offer our clients.

Així doncs, rutas en MTB. Per tant, rutas MTB. Aleshores, ruta MTB. Finalment, Turisme MTB.

The most accessible, for everyone.

  • www.transsegarra.com: Discover the famous castles of La Segarra, in 2, 3 or 4 days. In a family option (a very easy and flat route) or a technical option (a journey with many trails).
  • www.terradebacus.com: An easy offer of 2 days to taste the DO Pla de Bages in person. A Monestir, a great drought and infinite dry stone huts between beautiful farmhouses.
  • www.transguilleries.com: Between Montseny and the Sau Lake, there is a huge mountainous territory, with extensive forests. Avets, beech forests, cork oaks… and almost unpopulated!.
  • www.transterraalta.com: Amazing. Between olive trees and wines, Els Ports and “lo riu Ebre”, the Battle of the Ebro (Civil War) and unique and unknown landscapes. An amazing route.

Finalment, rutas en MTB. Aleshores, rutas MTB. Val a dir que, ruta MTB. De fet, Turismo en MTB. Per tant, Rutas MTB.

Other more demanding:

  • www.transportsbtt.com It’s an excellent route through the “Ports de Tortosa -Beceit”. And from the Tinença de Benifassà in the Maestrat. And a good part of Matarraña…. In 2, 3 or 4 days. Awesome!!
  • www.transgarrotxa.com: The route of the volcanoes. Black sand roads, between beech trees… in 2, 3 or 4 days. The always spectacular beauty of La Garrotxa on a route with many trails.
  • www.transmoianesbtt.com: A tour of the Moianès, a region full of dolmens, ice pools and many, many surprises. A route that amazes everyone.
  • www.corriolsdebacus.com: !A brutal experience of singletracks and more trails around the D.O. Pla de Bages! If you like singletracks… we are waiting for you at Corriols de Bacus!.
  • www.transpedraforca.com: A 360º tour of the Pedraforca Massif, a mythical mountain in Catalonia. A unique experience due to the magnificent landscapes, the wonderful environments between the Cadí and Ensija mountains.
  • www.transmuntanyesdeprades.com: Do you want to discover one of the most unknown areas of Catalonia? The Prades Mountains hide a treasure of beauty, among chestnut trees and holm oaks….
  • www.transboumort.com: The Boumort Mountains, territory of deer, roe deer,… and at the same time, a large number of birds of prey. In fact, a beautiful mountain range to enjoy mountain biking.
  • www.transprioratmtb.com: An exploration of Priorat in various routes depending on whether it is 2, 3 or 4 days. Because there is much more than great wines in this magnificent region. With winery tastings included.
  • www.latranscatllaras.com: The enormous Catllaràs massif from end to end. A demanding route to do in 2 (extreme), 3 (demanding) or 4 days, touring this enormous Berguedà massif.

Aleshores, rutas en MTB. Per tant, rutas MTB. A més, ruta MTB. Finalment, rutas en MTB. Val a dir que, ruta MTB. De fet, Turismo en MTB.

Other long-term…

  • www.transteruel.com. Discover, riding in 5 or 6 days, a good part of forgotten Spain. A huge territory of extensive forests, almost abandoned towns… and diverse extraordinary landscapes.
  • www.transcuenca.com. Al este de la comunidad de Madrid, aparece un territorio casi despoblado. Cientos de kilómetros cuadrados de bosques, entre el nacimiento del Júcar, el Tajo… ¡Os sorprenderá!!
  • www.caminoignacianomtb.com A new proposal to carry out the Ignatian Way, from Loyola (Azpeitia, Euskadi) to Manresa (Catalunya). A quite demanding but scenically impressive route.

Aleshores, rutas en MTB. Per tant, rutas MTB. A més, ruta MTB. Finalment, rutas en MTB. Val a dir que, ruta MTB. De fet, Turismo en MTB.

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